Monday, August 11, 2008

First Day Of School

Well, today was the first day of 5th grade for Jordan - and what an exciting day it was. I dropped her off - just like normal - and went to work. I thought that she was going to have this "great" day - nice, new teacher - friends in her class - the whole nine yard.

At about 9:30 - the school called. They said that she had had an accident at recess. Apparently, she had somehow cut her eyebrow and was bleeding pretty bad. The nurse thought she might need stitches.

"ACK!!", I thought. I told them I was on my way and raced to the school.

I called the doctor's office as I left work to find out if I needed to take her there or to the emergency room - they said to bring her to the office. Terrance got to the school at about the same time I did and we picked her up. She was holding up pretty good. She said she hadn't even cried.

We got to the doctor's office and had to wait a little while. Jordan was joking about having to get some stitches and wondering what it would be like. We thought it was funny that she had just asked me this morning about the stitches I had to get in my eye when I was a little younger than her. She had asked me if I still had a scar. We finally got back to a room and the doctor came in and decided that she did need some stiches. Well, at that point Jordan decided that she didn't want stiches after all. I think she was getting a little nervous.

The doctor came in - and a med student - and 2 nurses - and the receptionist (plus the fact that Terrance, Jordan and I were already in there) - and it was a full room. (((The receptionist was in there because Jordan really likes her and they wanted to distract her from what was going on.))) They cleaned her eye - which probably hurt, and then got ready to stitch it up.

They decided not to numb the area because they would have had to give her 4 shots to numb it (2 on both sides of her eyebrow) and the numbing medicine stings quite a bit. The doctor said that for just 2 stitches - it would hurt more to numb it than just stitch it.....I think Jordan might disagree.

Well, the doctor started the first stitch and Jordan really started wailing then. I felt sooo bad for her. I started to tear up myself. I mean - who wants to see their child in pain! They got the first stitch in and all knotted and were trying to do the other one and she started hyperventilating a little. It didn't help that she had the paper over her face that the doctor was using.

Well, they finally finished and got her bandaged up. We had to wait a bit before we could leave because Jordan was still hyperventilating and they were worried that she would pass out....poor thing. Got her home and she laid out on the couch and took a little nap. Her teacher, aunt, both grandparents and her cousins all called to check on her and her papa came by to see how she was doing.

I think she's going to live.

I also thought I'd add a pic of our Abby - no reason - she's just really cute since she got her hair cut.

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