Sunday, December 21, 2008

Mindless Fact Monday ~ December 21, 2008

For this week - I will have a Christmas themed "Mindless Facts"...

~ Author Robert May considered the names Reginald and Rollo before settling on "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer".

~ Oliver Cromwell banned Christmas carols in England between 1649 and 1660. He thought that it should be a solemn day so he banned carols and parties. The only celebration was a sermon and a prayer service.

~ During the holiday season, approximately$220 million of poinsettias are sold.

~ "Silent Night" was written by Joseph Mohr in 1818. He was told the organ was broken the day before Christmas, so he sat down to write a song that could be sung with a guitar.

~ In 1836, Alabama was the first state to declare Christmas a legal holiday. Oklahoma became the last state in 1907.

~ In 1856, President Franklin Pierce decorates the first White House Christmas tree.

~ Electric lights were first used in 1843.

~ The actual gift givers are different in different countries: The Three Kings (Spain and South America), La Befana - a kindly old witch (Italy), Father Christmas (England), Pere Noel - Father Christmas (France), Christkind - angelic messanger from Jesus (Germany), and St. Nicholas (Holland).

~ Mexicans call poinsettias "Flower of the Holy Night" - the Holy Night is the Mexican way of saying Christmas Eve.

~ "It's A Wonderful Life" appears on TV more than any other Christmas movie.

Merry Christmas to All!!!!