Things that make me happy...
- Getting off early on Friday...of course, I had to go in at 4:45 to make that happen...but, oh well.
- Being home the last 2 days when Jordan gets off the bus.
- Accepting the fact that my baby girl is growing up and going to her first dance.
- Relaxing on the couch while Myles "rests" beside me. ((that is said in quotes because that is what he is supposed to be doing...not what he's actually doing))
- Netflix...I love getting movies for everyone!! Scary/thrillers for me, family ones for the kids, and shoot-'em-up/actions for Terrance.
Link up over at Becky's...
14 years ago today, Terrance and I had our first child, Dasya Kaitlin Gray. She died at birth becasue of a condition known as acrania. It is a fatal condition that is just a fluke thing that happens. Today would have been her 14th birthday. I was talking with Jordan about a month ago and she was telling me about the neighbor girl that is starting 9th grade this year, high school. I got to thinking that Dasya would have been going into 9th grade this year too.
A high-schooler!! I can't believe that she would have been that old! It's hard to imagine what life would have been like if she had lived. I know for sure it would make the issues I'm having with Jordan seem easier - because I would have gone through them already with Dasya.
I take comfort in the fact that she is in heaven with the Lord and I will see her again someday - healthy and whole.
We miss you baby-girl! Happy Birthday!!