I really enjoyed this one. I think they took it to a whole new level. New story. New characters. Yet kept the essence of Toy Story and those toys we love.
Apparently, Myles was having a little too much fun playing frisbee with the other kids before Jordan's softball game on Thursday and ran head first into a electrical transformer. Ouch.
I don't necessarily have anything against this film. Jordan actually likes it and we own it. I just think in the grand collection of Pixar films...this one just doesn't stack up.
I mean...come on...they didn't even make a sequel.
And they make a sequel for e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. lol
I know this clip is from the 2000 re-make/re-boot - but it's all the same to me. I know that there are a lot out there that love these, but I just don't get the appeal.
I guess I could have picked a live-action movie and this might have been easier. But, I find that the live-action Disney movies tend to be more in the line of comedy instead of romance. The downside...I don't find cartoon kisses very exciting. lol
But, if I must pick one...I guess this one is the best. They seemed to have worked the hardest to get to the end.
It would be so easy to throw out "It's A Small World" as it is the epitome of annoying Disney songs, but I am trying to stick to the movie songs, so I had to go with this one.
Snow White
It's just so whiny and soo much vibrato and really screechy. I'm just not a fan.