Thursday, December 21, 2006

Just For Fun

1. All I want for Christmas is: to be with my family - or a pair of fabulous red shoes!!

2. If I could go anywhere in the world I would go to: Africa on a safari

3. People often underestimate the power of: the love a mother has for her children - even before they are born
4. Christmas makes me feel: happy

5. In a perfect world there would be: no bills

6. If I could meet one blogger it would be: I have no idea on this one - I don't read that many

7. The stupidest yet funniest movie ever made was: Tommy Boy

8. My first New Years Resolution will be: to keep on my diet and lose more weight - doing good so far

9. _______ really skeeves me out: congestion - just nasty gross

10. I did this Meme because: It looked like fun.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Tommy Boy is one of the funniest movies EVAH!!!!