Thursday, May 18, 2006

I've Been Tagged

Thanks, Steph!!

Accent: Mostly Southern - I love my "y'all" and I constantly get teased about the way I say "oil"

Bible Book that I like: I really like the gospels - all 4

Chore that I don’t care for: Cleaning the toilet - I won't get graphic - but it's nasty

Dog or Cat: Dog - an adorable cocker/terrier mix named Abby.

Essential Electronics: DVD player - how else would Myles get to watch his "Nemo"

Favorite Cologne: If I am feeling springy, I like "Happy" by Clinique, if I am feeling more romantic, I like "Safari" by Ralph Lauren

Gold or Silver: My wedding rings are gold but my watch is silver - so both I guess

Handbag I Carry most often: A $13 purse I got at Wal-mart - I kindof like it.

Insomnia: Yes, though not as much since Myles was born. I used to be up until at least midnight every night. Cannot stand just lying in bed - so, I don't go to bed until I have nodded off at least once on the couch.

Job Title: Wife, mother and Accounts Payable Coordinator for a restaurant franchise

Kids: 3, Dasya (who would have been 11 this August- she died at birth), Jordan (8 1/2) and Myles (19 months)
Living Arrangements: Just bought our first house!!! It is a three bedroom, two bathroom house with a bonus room above the garage. I love it.

Most Admirable Trait: This is a tough one - I guess my friendlyness. My friend at work asks me if I take my "happy pill" in the morning because I am so friendly with the vendors and managers that call.

Naughtiest childhood behavior: I climbed the fence behind our house when we lived in Dallas, TX - there was a daycare behind our house and my friends from school would be there. I was told not to by my dad. I fell off and cut my upper arm pretty bad and my dad (after he bandaged me up) asked me how I cut it. I lied and said I must have cut it on something in the alley - I got in double trouble - for lying and climbing the fence.

Overnight hospital stay: 3 c-sections

Phobias: Snakes - I HATE snakes.

Quote: I read this quote from Oprah once and thought it was great: "Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down."

I also liked this quote I read somewhere: "Marriage resembles a pair of shears, so joined that they cannot be separated, often moving in opposite directions, yet always punishing anyone who comes between them." by Sydney Smith

Religion: Born again Christian!

Siblings: One older sister

Time I wake up: Usually around 5:30 or 6:00

Unusual Talent or skill: I don't think I have any

Vegetable I refuse to eat: Most of them - I don't like veggies

Worst habit: I drive too fast!! I have been trying to slow down.

X-rays: Dental, ankle (from rolling it off my mother-in-law's sidewalk), back (bicycle accident), wrist (hurdles at track practice in junior high)

Yummy stuff I cook: I make a yummy cobbler - my food usually looks better than it tastes - not that it tasts bad, I just arrange it nicely.

Zoo animal I like most: Monkeys and tigers.

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